Health Blog

Warum sollte man Magnesium zu Vitamin D3 einnehmen?

Why take magnesium with vitamin D3?

An insufficient magnesium supply promotes the development of a vitamin D3 deficiency. Magnesium is needed so that vitamin D3 can be converted into its active form. In turn, vitamin D3...

Why take magnesium with vitamin D3?

An insufficient magnesium supply promotes the development of a vitamin D3 deficiency. Magnesium is needed so that vitamin D3 can be converted into its active form. In turn, vitamin D3...

Wie schnell wird Folsäure vom Körper aufgenommen?

How quickly is folic acid absorbed by the body?

The onset of action of folic acid occurs with the first intake. Folic acid is available in the form of capsules and tablets. Both forms are easy to handle and...

How quickly is folic acid absorbed by the body?

The onset of action of folic acid occurs with the first intake. Folic acid is available in the form of capsules and tablets. Both forms are easy to handle and...

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Folsäure und Folat?

What is the difference between folic acid and f...

Many people wonder what the difference is between folic acid and folate. Folate occurs naturally in foods. Since folate, like all B vitamins, is water soluble, it cannot be stored...

What is the difference between folic acid and f...

Many people wonder what the difference is between folic acid and folate. Folate occurs naturally in foods. Since folate, like all B vitamins, is water soluble, it cannot be stored...

Wie wichtig ist Kalium für den Körper?

How important is potassium for the body?

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a daily intake of about 4000 milligrams of potassium for an adult. Children up to the age of 10 need half the amount of...

How important is potassium for the body?

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a daily intake of about 4000 milligrams of potassium for an adult. Children up to the age of 10 need half the amount of...

Wann sollte man Spirulina einnehmen?

When should you take spirulina?

The Spirulina algae affects many areas of the body. It contains numerous nutrients and consists of almost 60 percent protein. Spirulina algae is said to detoxify the human organism in...

When should you take spirulina?

The Spirulina algae affects many areas of the body. It contains numerous nutrients and consists of almost 60 percent protein. Spirulina algae is said to detoxify the human organism in...

Wie gesund ist Guarana?

How healthy is guarana?

Guarana is very healthy for the human organism. The guarana plant gives energy and increases performance. The caffeine contained in it stimulates the activity of the kidneys. By dilating the...

How healthy is guarana?

Guarana is very healthy for the human organism. The guarana plant gives energy and increases performance. The caffeine contained in it stimulates the activity of the kidneys. By dilating the...


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