Health Blog

Der Tagesbedarf von Vitamin B1

The daily requirement of vitamin B1

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a daily dose of 1-1.3 mg vitamin B1 in adults. Women in pregnancy are recommended to take 1.2 mg vitamin B1 daily. For...

The daily requirement of vitamin B1

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a daily dose of 1-1.3 mg vitamin B1 in adults. Women in pregnancy are recommended to take 1.2 mg vitamin B1 daily. For...

Welche Wirkung hat Vitamin E auf den menschlichen Organismus?

What effect does vitamin E have in the human or...

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin for the human organism. It has many positive effects on human health. As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects the body from free radicals and...

What effect does vitamin E have in the human or...

Vitamin E is an essential vitamin for the human organism. It has many positive effects on human health. As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects the body from free radicals and...

Was ist Vitamin B2?

What is vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the human body. It is also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B2 participates in many metabolic processes and is particularly important for energy production....

What is vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the human body. It is also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B2 participates in many metabolic processes and is particularly important for energy production....

Wie kann Koffein im Körper schneller abgebaut werden?

How can caffeine be broken down faster in the b...

Caffeine usually has a decomposition time of four hours. Normally, the effect of caffeine usually wears off after three to four hours. In order for the caffeine to be broken...

How can caffeine be broken down faster in the b...

Caffeine usually has a decomposition time of four hours. Normally, the effect of caffeine usually wears off after three to four hours. In order for the caffeine to be broken...

Mögliche Nebenwirkungen von OPC Traubenkernextrakt

Possible side effects of OPC grape seed extract

Possible side effects of OPC grape seed extract are not known and have not yet been thoroughly investigated. However, OPC has a slightly blood-thinning effect and should not be taken...

Possible side effects of OPC grape seed extract

Possible side effects of OPC grape seed extract are not known and have not yet been thoroughly investigated. However, OPC has a slightly blood-thinning effect and should not be taken...

Wie wirkt hochdosiertes Vitamin D3 auf den menschlichen Organismus?

How does high-dose vitamin D3 affect the human ...

Vitamin D3 is essential for humans. It ensures a normal immune system and utilises calcium and phosphorus to maintain the calcium level in the blood. The body absorbs vitamin D3...

How does high-dose vitamin D3 affect the human ...

Vitamin D3 is essential for humans. It ensures a normal immune system and utilises calcium and phosphorus to maintain the calcium level in the blood. The body absorbs vitamin D3...


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