The daily requirement of vitamin B1

Der Tagesbedarf von Vitamin B1

Team Vitamineule

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1. the daily requirement of vitamin B1

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a daily dose of
1-1.3 mg vitamin B1 for adults. Women in pregnancy are recommended a daily dose of 1.2 mg vitamin B1. For a small child the recommended amounts are naturally lower. The requirement may be slightly increased when taking the contraceptive pill or alcoholism.

Anyone who does not get enough vitamins and nutrients is at risk of developing a vitamin B1 deficiency. The stores in the human organism are limited, which is why a daily supply of vitamin B1 is very important. Age, sex, weight, height and metabolic situation play an essential role.

To remedy a vitamin B1 deficiency, you need to know the cause. Anyone who has been on a diet very low in vitamins can easily change this. Changing your diet with vitamin B1-rich foods can be very useful. If you are not able to get enough vitamins and nutrients from your diet, you can help yourself with dietary supplements. Vitamin B1 supplements can help to restore a healthy balance through regular intake.

    2 What is vitamin B1?

    Vitamin B1 is a water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamin. It is also known as thiamine. Vitamin B1 fulfils vital tasks in the human body. It is particularly essential for energy metabolism, the immune system and numerous processes in the human organism.

    Since the body can only store small amounts of vitamin B1, it must be taken in daily through a healthy and balanced diet. The body cannot produce the vitamin itself. If the body does not receive enough vitamin B1, deficiency symptoms can occur. These can cause disturbances in the organism, so one should make sure that vitamin B1 is always sufficiently absorbed.

    If the body does not receive vitamin B1 over a long period of time, Beri Beri disease can occur. This disease occurs nowadays in countries where people eat very one-sided food. Often developing countries are affected. The vitamin is found in the outer husk of rice grains and is completely lost during husking.

    3 Which foods contain a lot of vitamin B1?

    The human organism can only store vitamin B1 in very small amounts. For this reason, it is important that the vitamin is absorbed daily through a healthy and balanced diet. Vitamin B1 is mainly found in larger quantities in whole grain products and legumes.
    Besides peanuts, peas and wheat gluten, vitamin B1 is also found in sunflower seeds. Larger amounts of vitamin B1 can be found especially in muscle meat.

    Since vitamin B1 is heat-sensitive, foods containing vitamin B1 should be prepared gently so that a lot of vitamin B1 is still retained.

    4. tasks of vitamin B1

    • Maintenance of a normal energy metabolism
    • Extraction of energy from carbohydrates and amino acids
    • Regeneration of the nervous system after diseases
    • Strengthening of the immune system
    • Maintenance of a healthy transmission of excitation between nerve and musculature
    • Transmission of the pulses
    • Vitamin B1 contributes to normal mental function

    5. conclusion: the daily requirement of vitamin B1

    The daily requirement varies according to height, body weight, gender and life situation. In order to avoid a vitamin B1 deficiency, vitamin B1 should be taken in daily through a healthy and balanced diet. Those who do not succeed in this have the possibility to supplement vitamin B1 in the form of food supplements. These are available in the form of capsules and tablets in stores.

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