Health Blog

Wie viel Vitamin D am Tag ist sinnvoll?

How much vitamin D a day is useful?

The German Nutrition Society recommends a daily amount of vitamin D3 of 4000 IU for an adult. However, it should always be noted that height, gender and body weight play...

How much vitamin D a day is useful?

The German Nutrition Society recommends a daily amount of vitamin D3 of 4000 IU for an adult. However, it should always be noted that height, gender and body weight play...

„Wo ist Vitamin D drin“: Übersicht & Tabelle

"Where is vitamin D in": overview & table

Vitamin D is a group of different fat-soluble vitamins. These are essential for the regulation of the calcium balance. On the one hand, vitamin D is supplied through food, on...

"Where is vitamin D in": overview & table

Vitamin D is a group of different fat-soluble vitamins. These are essential for the regulation of the calcium balance. On the one hand, vitamin D is supplied through food, on...

Welche Vitamine sind bei veganer Ernährung besonders wichtig?

Which vitamins are particularly important in a ...

Many people nowadays follow a vegan diet. This means that they completely renounce animal products. Usually you think of meat or fish, but a vegan diet also includes foods like...

Which vitamins are particularly important in a ...

Many people nowadays follow a vegan diet. This means that they completely renounce animal products. Usually you think of meat or fish, but a vegan diet also includes foods like...

Welche Vitamine darf man nicht zusammen einnehmen?

Which vitamins should not be taken together?

When taking vitamins in the form of food supplements, you should pay particular attention to their correct intake. This includes not only the essential intake point, but also the right...

Which vitamins should not be taken together?

When taking vitamins in the form of food supplements, you should pay particular attention to their correct intake. This includes not only the essential intake point, but also the right...

Hängen Depressionen mit einem Vitamin D-Mangel zusammen?

Is depression related to a vitamin D deficiency?

The more pronounced a vitamin D deficiency is, the higher the probability of developing depression. The lower the level, the more pronounced the symptoms can be. Compensation often leads to...

Is depression related to a vitamin D deficiency?

The more pronounced a vitamin D deficiency is, the higher the probability of developing depression. The lower the level, the more pronounced the symptoms can be. Compensation often leads to...

Welche Auswirkungen hat ein Vitamin D-Mangel auf die Haut?

What effects does a vitamin D deficiency have o...

In winter, many people have the problem of rarely getting sunlight to fill up with sunlight. This quickly leads to a vitamin D deficiency. A vitamin D deficiency has effects...

What effects does a vitamin D deficiency have o...

In winter, many people have the problem of rarely getting sunlight to fill up with sunlight. This quickly leads to a vitamin D deficiency. A vitamin D deficiency has effects...


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