Health Blog

Die Rolle von Vitamin B2 in der Zellregeneration

The role of vitamin B2 in cell regeneration

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, plays a crucial role in cell regeneration in the human body.

The role of vitamin B2 in cell regeneration

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, plays a crucial role in cell regeneration in the human body.

Vitamin B2 als Zellschutz für den menschlichen Organismus

Vitamin B2 as cell protection for the human org...

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the body. More precisely, it is an important metabolic vitamin. It fulfils its tasks in energy metabolism, in the production of energy from...

Vitamin B2 as cell protection for the human org...

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the body. More precisely, it is an important metabolic vitamin. It fulfils its tasks in energy metabolism, in the production of energy from...

Welche Vitamine sind bei veganer Ernährung besonders wichtig?

Which vitamins are particularly important in a ...

Many people nowadays follow a vegan diet. This means that they completely renounce animal products. Usually you think of meat or fish, but a vegan diet also includes foods like...

Which vitamins are particularly important in a ...

Many people nowadays follow a vegan diet. This means that they completely renounce animal products. Usually you think of meat or fish, but a vegan diet also includes foods like...

Welche Wirkung hat Riboflavin / Vitamin B2?

What effect does riboflavin / vitamin B2 have?

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the human organism. In medicine it is also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B2 takes over numerous tasks in the entire energy metabolism. It...

What effect does riboflavin / vitamin B2 have?

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the human organism. In medicine it is also known as riboflavin. Vitamin B2 takes over numerous tasks in the entire energy metabolism. It...

Hilft Riboflavin / Vitamin B2  gegen Migräne?

Does riboflavin / vitamin B2 help against migra...

Migraine is a severe headache. It is more often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia and sensitivity to odours. Many people would like to find a natural alternative...

Does riboflavin / vitamin B2 help against migra...

Migraine is a severe headache. It is more often accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, photophobia and sensitivity to odours. Many people would like to find a natural alternative...

Vitamin B2-Mangel: Symptome

Vitamin B2 deficiency: symptoms

A vitamin B2 deficiency is noticeable by many symptoms: Lacerations of the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, anaemia and changes in the eyes. A...

Vitamin B2 deficiency: symptoms

A vitamin B2 deficiency is noticeable by many symptoms: Lacerations of the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, anaemia and changes in the eyes. A...


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