Vitamin B2 deficiency: symptoms

Vitamin B2-Mangel: Symptome

Team Vitamineule

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1. vitamin B2 deficiency: symptoms

A vitamin B2 deficiency is noticeable by many symptoms: Lacerations of the corners of the mouth, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, anaemia and changes in the eyes. A vitamin B2 deficiency can be caused by taking certain medicines. These include certain sleeping pills or psychotropic drugs. Among other things, a deficiency can also be caused by severe alcoholism. Over a long period of time, the intestinal mucosa is damaged so that vitamins and minerals can no longer be adequately absorbed.

Two. What is vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2 is an essential vitamin for the human body and is also known as riboflavin. The vitamin is water-soluble and can be present in food as unbound riboflavin. It can also be bound to a protein. Vitamin B2 participates in many metabolic processes and is particularly important for energy production. Dairy products and offal are particularly good sources of vitamin B2. Excessive amounts of vitamin B2 cannot be stored in the human organism, but are excreted in the urine.

3. areas of activity of vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 carries...

  • to a normal energy metabolism
  • to reduce fatigue in
  • for the preservation of vision in
  • for the preservation of normal skin in
  • to a normal function of the nervous system in
  • to a normal iron metabolism with

4. the daily requirement of vitamin B2

How much vitamin B2 is needed depends on various factors. These include gender, weight, height and age. The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends a daily dose of 1.0 - 1.4 mg vitamin B2 for adults. For a small child, the recommended amounts of vitamin B2 are naturally lower. Adolescents and pregnant women have a higher need for vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is best taken daily through a healthy and balanced diet to avoid a vitamin B2 deficiency.

Vitamin B2 Kapseln von Vitamineule

Our recommendation:
Vitamineule® Vitamin B2 Capsules

In our online shop you will find our vitamin B2 capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives. Vitamin Owl® Vitamin B2 capsules contain 200 mg pure riboflavin. Each can contains 90 capsules. Besides fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.

5. conclusion: vitamin B2 deficiency: symptoms

A vitamin B2 deficiency occurs when the organism is no longer sufficiently supplied with vitamin B2. As a rule, the body should be supplied with enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements through a healthy and balanced diet. A vitamin B2 deficiency is recognised by symptoms such as inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, anaemia and changes in the eyes. A vitamin B2 deficiency can usually be easily remedied by a change in diet. In the long term, taking vitamin B2 in the form of food supplements can be very useful. You can choose between vitamin B2 capsules or vitamin B2 tablets.

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