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For vegans it can sometimes be difficult to get the daily vitamins. This is mainly due to the fact that some vitamins are especially found in animal products. Plant foods often contain only a small amount of the vitamin. So how do vegans cover their daily vitamin requirements? Learn more on this blog about vitamins that are especially important for people who are vegan.
1. vitamin B12 is a must
A very important vitamin which should be supplemented by vegans is vitamin B12 (cobalamin). This vitamin is found in larger quantities only in animal foods, such as meat, fish or many dairy products. Vitamin B12 fulfils a wide range of tasks in the human body. The red vitamin ensures that the nerves are strengthened and concentration can be maintained for longer. Vitamin B12 also ensures that the red blood cells are formed correctly and, in return, introduces folic acid into the red blood cells. Since the red blood cells transport the vital oxygen to the organs and muscles, the right supply of vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy body. Vegans can take vitamin B12 with the help of dietary supplements. There are vitamin B12 tablets or vitamin B12 capsules that can help to keep vitamin B12 levels high even without animal B12. If you want to learn more about vitamin B12, you can read this blog article.
2. the sun vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is produced by the body through exposure to the sun on the skin. In the cold season, when UV radiation in this country is no longer sufficient for the body's own vitamin D3 production, the vitamin D3 stores are quickly emptied. Often a deficiency occurs when one is exposed to little or no sunlight. Today, many people suffer from a vitamin D3 deficiency. Supplementation with vitamin D3 can be particularly useful here. Vitamin D3 is found in many animal foods. Fatty fish (e.g. salmon), offal, cheese and butter contain particularly high levels of vitamin D3. A small amount of vitamin D3 is found in vegetable foods such as avocados, mushrooms or morels. Since the largest amount of the vitamin is more likely to be found in animal foods, vegans find it particularly difficult to fill their vitamin D3 levels. To correct a vitamin D3 deficiency or replenish its stores, vitamin D3 therapy is often recommended. This means that the level is raised again with the help of dietary supplements in the form of capsules or infusions. Vitamin D3 is available as vitamin D3 capsules or vitamin D3 tablets in stores. Both forms are easy to handle and quickly enter the circulation. However, vitamin D3 tablets are sold in pharmacies, which in many cases have been produced with artificial additives or abroad. Vitamin D3 capsules often contain only the active ingredient in a vegetable cellulose shell and can therefore be produced without fillers. In general, it should always be ensured that the product has been produced in Germany in order to guarantee a consistently high preparation quality. You can find more information about the sun vitamin D3 here:
3. vitamin K2 for blood coagulation
Vitamin K2 is an important building block for your blood clotting. The K that gives it its name stands for coagulation (clotting). Vitamin K2 has a hemostatic effect. The vitamin is produced by the body's own intestinal bacteria. Vitamin K2, also called phylloquinone, regulates the calcium level and activates bone metabolism. People obtain vitamin K2 from food, especially from animal food sources. Besides offal and meat, the sources are mainly dairy products. People who follow a vegan diet often take vitamin K2 in the form of food supplements. This means that, in consultation with their family doctor, they can enrich their diet with an appropriate vitamin K2 supplement. Vitamin K2 is available in the form of tablets and capsules.
4. vitamin A for the visual process
Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. As a component of the visual pigments in our retina it is essential for the visual process. Vitamin A is particularly important for the formation of skin and mucous membranes and for the protection of the immune system. In addition, the vitamin is essential for the production of the hormone testosterone and also plays a role in the development of the egg and sperm cells. Vitamin A is important for the formation of the placenta and the subsequent maturation of the embryo. Vitamin A is found exclusively in animal foods. Good sources of vitamin A are offal, liver and butter. Vitamin A is often found in plant foods in the form of beta-carotene (provitamin A). Carrots, spinach, tomatoes and apricots contain beta-carotene, for example. So that also Veganer remains completely supplied with vitamin A, the income of vitamin A should not be done without as food auxiliary means. When taking vitamin A tablets or vitamin A capsules, attention should be paid to the recommended intake.
5. vitamins during pregnancy
The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) is of the opinion that a vegan diet during pregnancy and lactation is not suitable to sufficiently cover the nutritional requirements. But especially babies in the womb and newborns need a lot of vitamins. Therefore many pregnant and nursing women, who eat vegan food, take food supplements in order to sufficiently cover the need for themselves and the child. Especially babies and newborns need a lot of vitamins for a healthy physical and mental development right from the beginning.
A balanced diet is essential for a healthy body. Fruit, vegetables and dairy products are rich in vitamins and minerals. They have a positive effect on health and metabolism. Animal products such as meat and fish provide the body with high-quality protein and healthy fats. However, people who follow a vegan diet cannot get their vitamins from animal sources. They often find it difficult to meet their daily requirements and often find themselves in a deficiency. Vitamins cannot be produced by the body, but can be supplied by dietary supplements. Vitamin B12, vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and vitamin A play an important role for vegans, as most of them are only obtained from animal sources. By taking dietary supplements, vegans who cannot get everything from food can get all .