Four food supplements to help you through the winter

Vier Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, die dir durch den Winter helfen

Team Vitamineule

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Especially when it gets colder outside and darkness sets in quickly, the human organism needs a particularly large amount of vitamins, minerals and healthy food. Find out in this blog which food supplements are especially suitable for you in winter.

1 Why are dietary supplements especially useful in winter?

A healthy way of life is essential for the human organism. A balanced diet should consist of fresh and local regional products. Only in this way can our body be supplied with sufficient vitamins and minerals. But in the cold season this is only possible to a limited extent. Regional vitamin bombs such as fresh salad or fruit do not grow again until spring. Due to the cold many people are exhausted and lack drive. With the help of food supplements you can improve your nutritional situation in a targeted way.

2. a must for the winter: vitamin D3.

In winter, it is particularly difficult to keep vitamin D3 levels at a high level. Vitamin D3 can be synthesized by the body itself, provided it receives enough sunlight. However, even in winter, the low sun can not always lead to the required vitamin D formation. As the vitamin D content in food is far too low to cover the daily vitamin D3 requirement, it is advisable to take vitamin D3 in the form of food supplements.

3. vitamin K2 in combination with D3

Like vitamin D3,vitamin K2 is more difficult for the body to access in winter. Vitamin K2 ensures that vitamin D3 can work properly in metabolism. It maintains bone health and keeps blood vessels free of deposits. More specifically, vitamin D3 ensures calcium absorption and vitamin K2 builds it into the bones. Both vitamins should therefore be taken together. Learn more about vitamin K2 here.

4. vitamin C for the immune system

Autumn and winter are cold times. Vitamin C supports and strengthens the immune system to protect the body from colds. With a sufficient supply of vitamin C you can counteract an increased susceptibility to infections. Vitamin C is mainly found in fruits such as kiwis, lemons and oranges. In vegetables, paprika in particular has a high vitamin C content. Even half a paprika is enough to cover the daily vitamin C requirement. Here you can find out more about vitamin C.

5. iron for oxygen supply and blood formation

Many people suffer from a poor oxygen supply in winter, which in many cases is caused by an iron deficiency. In addition, there is listlessness, tiredness and exhaustion. Iron deficiency is often caused by a poor or one-sided diet and too much coffee, tea or cola drinks. The phosphates and tanning agents contained in these drinks inhibit the absorption of iron from our food. Women in particular lose more iron than men due to their monthly menstrual bleeding. Iron contributes to the formation of red blood cells and the blood pigment haemoglobin. It keeps the human organism efficient, strengthens the body's defences and keeps skin, hair and nails healthy. Iron provides the essential oxygen supply that every cell in the body needs to function properly. Here you can learn more about iron.

6 Why do we feel tired and weak in winter?

  • Lack of sunlight: the days are short and it gets dark very quickly. Many people leave the house in the morning when it dawns and do not come back until the evening after work, when it is already dark. The winter months are also called the "dark season". This makes it difficult for many people to get enough vitamin D3 in winter. UV rays stimulate the production of hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline. Due to the lack of sunlight, only a few UV rays reach the skin.
  • Too little exercise: Many people are more motivated to exercise in summer. Especially when the weather is particularly bad in winter, people quickly give up one or the other sports activity.
  • wrong food: As many people nowadays suffer from stress and hectic, fast food is often quickly resorted to in order to save time when cooking and eating. Especially in winter, people are hungry again and therefore tend to eat more carbohydrates than a salad for lunch. Especially before Christmas, people like to eat sweet and fatty foods. In any case, the body needs more energy (calories) during the cold season to maintain our body temperature. As a result, the body is longer busy digesting meals. This can lead to increased fatigue.
  • Stress: The stress at work is constantly increasing. Particularly in winter, the amount of work done often increases in order to finish open jobs before the end of the year. The resulting stress has a negative effect on the mind and performance.
  • Flu-like infections: Many people do not dress warm enough in winter and freeze, this can quickly lead to a cold. Since many people are already ill in winter, the chance of catching a cold from someone who already has a flu is increased. When cold viruses enter the body, the organism automatically pays for itself with an increase in core temperature, which often leads to fever and malaise. The body has to fight off pathogens and the cold puts additional strain on the immune system. In order to raise the temperature, the blood of the skin and extremities is directed to the inside, so that the outer regions are less supplied with blood and cool down. This is also known as the typical shivering.

7. conclusion

Especially in winter, it can be useful to take dietary supplements containing vitamin D3, vitamin K2, vitamin C and iron. Despite the cold temperatures, many people do not take care to support their immune system and become ill more quickly. Especially due to the lack of sunlight and the associated vitamin D3 deficiency, we often feel listless and lacking drive.

In general, one should ensure a good blood circulation in winter. You can achieve this with alternating showers, sauna sessions and sufficient exercise. This ensures that your circulation and blood flow is stimulated. To prevent your mucous membranes from drying out, you should increase the humidity in heated rooms, which means airing out regularly and placing moist towels on your radiator.

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