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2. the positive effect of vitamin K2 in the body
3. development of a vitamin K2 deficiency
4. common symptoms & effects of vitamin K2 deficiency
5. the correct dosage of vitamin K2
6. how can I cover my vitamin K2 requirements through food?
7. how can I correctly determine a vitamin K2 deficiency?
8. what should you consider when buying vitamin K2 supplements?
Vitamin K2 is an important building block for your blood clotting. The K that gives it its name stands for coagulation (clotting). You should therefore make sure that you integrate good sources of vitamin K2 into your diet every day to ensure that your body is supplied with sufficient vitamin K2. In this blog you can read about the positive effects vitamin K2 has on your body and how you can counteract a vitamin K2 deficiency.
1st vitamin K2 - menaquinone
Vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is produced by the body's own intestinal bacteria. It is absorbed after the formation of intestinal cells and supports the activation of proteins. The problem is that the section of the intestine where the vitamin is synthesised by the intestinal bacteria is not suitable for the absorption and metabolism of vitamin K2 and most of the produced menaquinone is excreted. In the human organism, proteins are linked to calcium, so vitamin K2 is also indirectly responsible for calcium metabolism. It helps to ensure that the calcium is transported into the bones and not into the vascular walls of the arteries.
2. the positive effect of vitamin K2 in the body
Vitamin K2 has a hemostatic effect and is responsible for our blood clotting. This improves the healing of wounds in the human organism. The vitamin is also a natural activator for calcium-transporting proteins (Gla proteins). Vitamin K2, also called phylloquinone, regulates the calcium level and activates bone metabolism. It prevents and reduces the deposition of calcium in the arteries. Another task is to build and strengthen bones and teeth in the body. Vitamin K2 is necessary to prevent calcium deposits in soft tissue such as blood vessels and cartilage. It is involved in the regulation of cell processes (cell division) and the repair processes in the eyes.
3. development of vitamin K2 deficiency
A vitamin K2 deficiency can be caused by
- a reduced ability to absorb the vitamin (e.g. by a disorder of fat digestion)
- a long lasting wrong diet or nutrition
- the long-term use of certain drugs (e.g. anticoagulants)
- chronic liver damage
4. common symptoms & effects of vitamin K2 deficiency
- reduced blood clotting
- bruises
- Nosebleed, bleeding gums
- Lack of concentration
- Avolition
- Immunodeficiency
- high susceptibility to infections
- Tiredness
- Headaches
If the body is not supplied with vitamin K2 over a longer period of time, severe disorders can occur. Bleeding can occur in the organs and tissues due to a lack of blood clotting factors. If the human organism lacks vitamin K2, this also leads to an increase in blood clotting time.
5 The correct dosage of vitamin K2
The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a daily amount of approx. 60-80 µg for young people aged 15 years and older and adults. In general, children should achieve a daily amount of approx. 20-50 µg. Dosage and daily requirement can vary in certain life situations, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding. Newborn babies obtain their vitamin K2 through their mother's milk. However, as this is not sufficient and does not fill the stores, babies are given additional vitamin K2 by their doctor at the first examination after birth.
6 How can I cover my vitamin K2 requirements through food?
A balanced diet is important to cover the daily requirement of vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is mainly found in animal foods such as meat, offal, quark and certain types of cheese. These are subject to a bacterial ripening process
Unlike other vitamins, vitamin K2 is heat resistant. This means that food can be cooked or fried without losing any of the essential vitamin. In principle, green vegetables also contain a high proportion of the vitamin. However, some foods contain little K2, so they must be consumed in large quantities to get enough K2. Furthermore, vitamin K2 is sensitive to light. A too high concentration of light can destroy parts of the vitamin. Food with a high vitamin K2 content is therefore best stored in the dark and protected from light.
Food with a vitamin K2 content (µg per 100g)
- calf's liver: 80 µg
- chicken liver: 90 µg
- Kale: 820 µg
- parsley: 400-800 µg
- Brussels sprouts: 200-600 µg
- Chives:200-600 µg
- spinach: 200-400 µg
- grape seed oil: 300 µg
7. how can I correctly determine a vitamin K2 deficiency?
If you have signs of a vitamin K2 deficiency, it is best to go to your doctor and have your blood clotting checked to see if it is working properly. This can be determined by the Quick- or INR value. If a deficiency is detected or if there is an increased need, the doctor can then recommend further treatment options. In general, the patient is advised to increase the amount of vitamin K2 in the diet. In addition, food supplements containing vitamin K2 can be taken.
8. what should be considered when buying dietary supplements?
In general, it is important to pay attention to the ingredients when buying dietary supplements. Because often only a small proportion of the vitamin is present and the rest is filled with artificial additives. These dietary supplements can often be found in pharmacies or drugstores. We therefore recommend that you find out exactly whether the product comes from Germany in order to ensure high product quality.
9 Which vitamin K2 form is best for me?
There are several forms of vitamin K2 on the market for dietary supplements. Especially MK4 and MK7 are frequently represented. As MK4 is less lipophilic, it can be significantly less utilised by the body. In any case we recommend the use of a high-quality vitamin K2 MK7 preparation.
There are two forms of vitamin K2 MK7: the ineffective cis-form and the effective all-trans form. Because of the effectiveness, you should only take the All-Trans form.
Currently, there are two production methods that can be used to produce the All-Trans form: The production from natto or soybeans and the extraction from flower oil. If you do not want to take soya, you should use a preparation made from flower oil. The All-Trans proportion is about 100%.
Our recommendation:
Vitamineule® Vitamin K2 capsules
In our online shop you will find our Vitamin K2 capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives.
One capsule contains 200 µg vegetable vitamin K2 MK7 All Trans from flower oil. The capsules are small and easy to swallow. Besides fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.
9. conclusion
Vitamin K2 is an essential vitamin for the human organism. The tasks in the body are as varied as they are important. It forms proteins in the body, which are the building blocks in the production chain of blood clotting factors. Without vitamin K2, blood clotting would not function. A vitamin K2 deficiency can cause even the smallest injuries to bleed so severely that enormous blood loss can occur. The vitamin strengthens bones and teeth in the body and is a natural activator for calcium-transporting proteins (Gla proteins). Vitamin K2 is necessary to prevent calcium deposits in soft tissue such as blood vessels and cartilage. It is involved in the regulation of cell processes (cell division) and the repair processes in the eyes. In general, you should always make sure that you include sufficient vitamin K2 in your diet. If you suffer from a vitamin K2 deficiency, this can also be remedied by taking a food supplement. Vitamin K2 tablets or vitamin K2 capsules without additives are particularly suitable for this. The best form is vitamin K2 MK7 All Trans from flower oil.