Selenium deficiency and its effects: Symptoms, risk groups and how to avoid deficiency.

Selenmangel und seine Auswirkungen: Symptome, Risikogruppen und wie man einen Mangel vermeiden kann

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1. selenium deficiency and its effects: Symptoms, risk groups and how to avoid deficiency.

Selenium deficiency is a condition in which the body does not receive enough selenium to maintain its normal functions. Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is vital to the body, acting as a cofactor for numerous enzymes and playing an important role in combating oxidative stress. A deficiency of selenium can have various effects on health. Here are some symptoms, risk groups and tips to avoid deficiency. Symptoms of selenium deficiency can be varied and are often nonspecific. Common signs include fatigue, muscle weakness, hair loss, brittle nails and weakened immune function. Severe deficiency can lead to thyroid disease, cardiomyopathy and neurological disorders. Certain groups are at increased risk for selenium deficiency. These include people who live in regions with low levels of selenium in the soil because the plants they consume contain less selenium. Vegetarians and vegans are also at risk because selenium is found mainly in animal foods. People who have certain intestinal diseases or have undergone gastrointestinal surgery may also be at higher risk for deficiency, as the absorption of selenium in the intestines may be impaired. There are several ways to avoid a selenium deficiency. A balanced diet rich in selenium-rich foods is critical. Good sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, fish (such as salmon and tuna), eggs, chicken, beef, and whole grains. It is important to include these foods in your diet on a regular basis to meet your selenium needs. In some cases, selenium supplementation may be necessary, especially for individuals at high risk for deficiency. However, it is important to consult with a physician or nutritionist before taking supplements to determine the proper dosage and to consider possible interactions. A selenium deficiency can have a negative impact on health, so it is important to ensure adequate selenium intake. A deficiency can be prevented by eating a balanced diet that includes selenium-rich foods and taking supplements if necessary. However, always consult a professional to discuss your individual needs and find the best solutions.

2 The daily requirement of selenium

Daily selenium requirements vary depending on age, gender and individual circumstances. For adults 19 years and older, an average daily requirement of about 55 micrograms (mcg) is recommended. Pregnant women need slightly more selenium during pregnancy, usually about 60-65 mcg per day. Breastfeeding women have an even higher requirement and should consume about 70-75 mcg of selenium daily. For children, the daily requirement varies depending on age. Children aged 1-3 years need about 20-30 mcg of selenium per day, while children aged 4-8 years need about 30-40 mcg. For children aged 9-13 years, the recommended requirement is about 40-60 mcg of selenium per day. Adolescents aged 14-18 years have similar needs to adults and should consume about 55-70 mcg of selenium daily. It is important to note that these numbers are general recommendations and individual needs may vary. Pregnant women, lactating women, the elderly, or people with certain health conditions may have an increased need for selenium and should discuss this with a physician or nutritionist. However, it is also important to keep a close eye on selenium consumption, as excessive intake can have negative health effects. The tolerable upper intake level for adults is usually about 400 mcg per day. The best way to meet daily selenium requirements is to eat a balanced diet of selenium-rich foods. Brazil nuts are one of the best natural sources of selenium. Fish such as salmon and tuna, eggs, chicken, beef and whole grain products are also good sources of this trace element. However, it is important to note that the concentration of selenium in foods depends on the soil quality in which they were grown. Regions with selenium-poor soils may have foods that contain less selenium. In such cases, supplementing the diet with selenium supplements in consultation with a physician or nutritionist may be helpful in meeting daily needs.

3 The relationship between selenium and other trace elements and vitamins.

The relationship between selenium and other trace elements and vitamins is complex and plays an important role in the optimal functioning of the body. Here are some important aspects of this relationship:

Vitamin E: Selenium and vitamin E work synergistically to combat oxidative stress. Selenium is necessary for the activation of certain enzymes that regulate the absorption and storage of vitamin E in the body. Vitamin E, in turn, protects selenium from oxidation and increases its stability and effectiveness.

Zinc: Selenium and zinc are both essential trace elements that play important roles in the immune system and cell protection. They have synergistic relationships and complement each other's functions. Adequate selenium and zinc status is important for a strong immune response and fighting inflammation.

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals. Selenium works with vitamin C to enhance its antioxidant effects. An adequate supply of both nutrients is important to reduce oxidative damage and strengthen the immune system.

Copper: Selenium and copper have a complex relationship in that they can have both synergistic and antagonistic effects. In appropriate amounts, they work together to activate enzymes and support energy metabolism. However, an imbalance between selenium and copper can lead to oxidative stress and impair the function of these enzymes.

Vitamin D: Selenium plays a role in converting vitamin D to its active form, which is important for bone health and the immune system. Adequate selenium intake can support the effectiveness of vitamin D and promote its beneficial effects on health.

4. selenium in the form of dietary supplements.

Selenium should normally be absorbed by the body on a daily basis. The best way, of course, is through a healthy and balanced diet. However, many people find it very difficult to meet their complete vitamin needs. In this case, selenium should be taken in addition in order to avoid a selenium deficiency. Selenium is commercially available in the form of dietary supplements. It is offered in the form of selenium capsules and selenium tablets. Both forms are easy to use and enter the circulation quickly. However, selenium tablets are sold in pharmacies, which in many cases contain artificial additives or are manufactured abroad. Selenium capsules often contain only the active ingredient in a vegetable cellulose shell and can therefore be produced without fillers. Selenium capsules or selenium tablets should be taken with sufficient liquid (for example water or juice). It does not matter whether selenium is taken before or after meals. However, if you have a sensitive stomach and cannot take selenium tablets or selenium capsules on an empty stomach, you should eat something beforehand and take the supplements afterwards. In general, it should always be ensured that the product was produced in Germany to guarantee a consistently high preparation quality. If you buy a preparation from Germany, you can be sure that the product was also produced safely and has a high quality.

Selenium capsules from Vitamineule

Our recommendation:
Vitamineule® Selenium Capsules

In our online store you will find our selenium capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives. Vitamineule® Selenium Capsules contain 200 µg of pure selenium from mineral rock per capsule. Each can contains 90 capsules. In addition to fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee on all products.

5. conclusion: selenium deficiency and its effects: Symptoms, at-risk groups and how to avoid deficiency.

To correct a selenium deficiency with dietary supplements, it is important to consult a professional and choose high-quality selenium supplements. Dosage recommendations should be followed closely and selenium status should be monitored regularly. Nevertheless, supplements should not replace a balanced diet, so it is advisable to continue to include selenium-rich foods in the diet. An individualized approach and collaboration with a professional are critical to effectively address selenium deficiency.

Further reading:

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