Calcium - all about daily requirement, deficiency & food

Calcium - Bedarf, Dosierung, Lebensmittel & Mangel

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Calcium is one of the best known minerals and at the same time the mineral that occurs most frequently in the body. This versatile substance is mainly known for its relevance for bones and teeth, but it also plays a decisive role for correct muscle function. As a structural component, calcium is primarily responsible for the strength of these tissues. The blood contains approx. 1% of the calcium stock. It is essential for the body to always maintain the blood calcium level. Most of the calcium is bound in the skeleton. If the calcium level drops, for example due to a calcium deficiency, the substance is released from the bones and demineralised. In the following blog post you will learn what functions calcium fulfils, how to take the right amount of calcium and how to detect a calcium deficiency in time.

1. the positive effect of calcium in the body

Calcium is quantitatively the mineral that occurs most frequently in the body. 99% of it is stored in the bones and teeth, giving them the necessary strength. Calcium also ensures correct muscle function so that the muscles can contract properly. Calcium is also essential for normal blood clotting and a normal heart rhythm. It also plays an important role in the functionality of many enzymes.

2. development of a calcium deficiency

If the human body does not get enough calcium for a long time, it uses the calcium depot in the tissue structures of the body. The calcium is thus broken down from bones and teeth. This process is also known as demineralisation. A calcium deficiency often occurs when the body does not get enough calcium from the diet. This can be due to the wrong foods that are low in calcium, or to an increased need for calcium, to which the body does not react by increasing its calcium intake.

3 Common symptoms of calcium deficiency

An acute calcium deficiency can be recognized by various symptoms. It often manifests itself as a kind of tingling under the skin (also called formication). It can also lead to muscle cramps, hair loss or cardiovascular problems. Mood changes and symptoms such as exhaustion or mild irritability are also among them.

4 Calcium deficiency: long-term effects of hypocalcemia

  • Disturbances in cooking metabolism
  • Osteoporosis
  • Muscle cramps
  • muscle tremor (muscle tremor)
  • Heart / circulation problems
  • Brittle fingernails
  • Changes in skin and hair
  • Caries
  • Periodontosis
  • Digestive disorders

5. the correct dosage of calcium

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends 220 - 330mg of calcium per day for infants and 1000mg for adults. Adolescents in the growth phase can consume 1200mg calcium. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also take 1200mg calcium if they are younger than 19 years old.

6. overdose: too much calcium can also be harmful

An increased calcium intake is usually only useful if a calcium deficiency actually exists. If too much calcium is taken over a long period of time, this can manifest itself as problems in the cardiovascular system, calcium deposits, gastrointestinal complaints or muscle weakness. We therefore recommend that you stick to the DGE values.

Lebensmittel mit hohem Calciumanteil

7 How can I cover my calcium requirements through diet?

Both plant and animal foods can be good sources of calcium. In the table below we show you how you can best meet your calcium needs through diet.

The more natural the food is, the higher the final mineral content. Here are some plant and animal foods that you can use to meet your daily calcium requirements:

Calcium content in mg per 100g

  • Cheese: approx. 700 - 1000
  • Sesame: about 800
  • Nuts: approx. 250
  • Kale: approx. 200
  • milk: approx. 120
  • Yoghurt: approx. 120
  • Broccoli: about 110

8. how can I correctly determine a calcium deficiency?

Every day the body excretes about 300mg of calcium through urine & sweat. Anyone who does not take in enough calcium in the long term can suffer from an empty calcium reservoir. If a calcium deficiency is suspected, it can be determined by your family doctor by means of a blood test or urine test. An ECG can also indicate typical changes that a calcium deficiency can cause. If a calcium deficiency is detected, the doctor may also recommend taking an additional calcium supplement.

9. cover calcium requirements with calcium capsules or calcium tablets

Anyone who has an increased need for calcium or suffers from a calcium deficiency can take calcium tablets or capsules in addition to a calcium-rich diet. Calcium tablets can often be found in pharmacies or drugstores. In most cases these contain chemical calcium citrate and many other artificial additives. We therefore recommend that it is better to use calcium capsules containing calcium carbonate. Apart from vegetable cellulose capsules, no artificial fillers or pressings are usually used. It is important that the preparation comes from Germany to ensure high product quality. Those who do not like to swallow tablets or capsules can often open calcium capsules and mix the powder with water or juice.

10 Which form is most suitable: calcium citrate or calcium carbonate?

Most calcium preparations contain either calcium citrate or calcium carbonate. Both substances are in principle suitable for the supply of high-quality calcium and are quite effective in recycling. Nevertheless, there are some differences that we would like to explain to you now. In any case, calcium citrate is a chemical preparation that has been developed in the laboratory. For a long time it was thought that calcium citrate was more effective than calcium carbonate because, unlike carbonate, it does not require an acidic stomach environment to be correctly absorbed by the body. However, recent studies suggest that calcium carbonate can be absorbed up to 2.5 times better than calcium citrate. Another advantage is that calcium carbonate is natural in most cases, as it can be obtained either from mineral rock or from sea corals.

Magnesium Kapseln von Vitamineule ohne Zusatzstoffe

Our recommendation:
Vitamineule® Calcium Capsules

In our online shop you will find our calcium capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives.

The calcium capsules contain a total of 300mg of pure calcium carbonate from mineral rock with 120 mg of calcium per capsule. Each can contains 90 capsules. Besides fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.

11. the interaction between calcium and vitamin D3

In order for calcium to be absorbed in sufficient quantities through the intestines, a good supply of vitamin D3 is also necessary. In older people, a vitamin D3 deficiency can lead to osteoporosis due to increased bone resorption, in children to rickets. Even in adults, the balance between bone formation and bone resorption should always be maintained to avoid increased bone resorption.

We therefore recommend that the body's own vitamin D3 -levels by sufficient sunlight, the right diet or vitamin D3 capsules always at a high level.

12. conclusion

Calcium is a versatile mineral that plays a major role for healthy bones, teeth and the cardiovascular system. If too little calcium is supplied over a long period of time, the body falls back on the calcium depots in the skeletal structure and thus breaks down bones and teeth through demineralisation. The daily calcium requirement should be covered by a healthy diet with calcium-rich foods. Calcium tablets or calcium capsules with natural calcium carbonate, which can be excellently utilized by the body, are particularly suitable as food supplements.

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