Vitamin B5 - effect, dosage, side effects

Vitamin B5 - Wirkung, Dosierung, Nebenwirkungen

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1. What is vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid. It is an essential vitamin for the body and is one of the water-soluble vitamins. Without vitamin B5, the human organism would be out of balance. The important vitamin is always in connection with proteins, enzymes and amino acids. Among other things it is essential for energy metabolism. It is also indispensable for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Vitamin B5 helps to reduce fatigue. Since the body cannot produce the vitamin itself, it must be taken in daily through food. Since the vitamin is sensitive to heat, foods that contain a lot of vitamin B5 should not be cooked but rather steamed so that the special nutrients are not lost. Vitamin B5 is found in almost all foods.

2 Why does the body need vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 takes over many central processes in the human organism. It is a water-soluble vitamin which is contained in all cells of the body. The vitamin is essential for wound healing. It promotes the regeneration and faster healing of damaged body tissue. The human organism needs vitamin B5 for a healthy fat and cholesterol metabolism. Vitamin B5 is also responsible for normal carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Besides vitamins, minerals and trace elements are particularly important for the body. Vitamin B5 is effective against hair loss and allergies. It can help with stress, anxiety and respiratory diseases. Vitamin B5 strengthens the immune system and stimulates physical growth. In combination with the other B vitamins, it can help the human organism to renew muscles, tissue and organs.

3 What is the role of vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 is involved in the production of anti-inflammatory substances in the body. It plays an essential role in human wound healing. The vitamin is important for fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. As a component of coenzyme A, it helps to convert the food we eat into usable energy. Pantothenic acid helps to maintain skin health by binding water into deeper skin layers. Vitamin B5 stimulates intestinal production and ensures healthy and strong hair growth. Pantothenic acid is an enzyme component of all cells in the human body. It is involved in many chemical reactions such as the production of cholesterol, bile acids and provitamin D. In addition to regulating cholesterol levels, vitamin B5 ensures normal blood pressure. The arteries are maintained to prevent dangerous plaque deposits. If the deposits were to accumulate, it could lead to a heart attack or stroke in serious cases. Vitamin B5 also ensures normal oxygen transport. The vitamin supports the production of the blood pigment haemoglobin. Vitamin B5 is involved in the formation of cortisol. A normal cortisol level improves the ability to concentrate and helps to increase energy.

4 What is the daily requirement of vitamin B5?

According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), the recommended daily amount of vitamin B5 for an adult person is about 6 milligrams of pantothenic acid. This amount corresponds to one can of peanuts or 100g of pig's liver. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should take in a little more vitamin B5, as they have an increased need. In general, one should always keep in mind that age, weight and height always play a significant role. Furthermore, factors such as diet and lifestyle should also be taken into account.

5 Which foods contain a lot of vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 is found in varying amounts in a variety of foods. The vitamin is found in both animal and many plant foods. Animal sources of vitamin B5 include fish such as calf's liver, kidneys, egg yolk and mackerel. Particularly good vegetable sources include peanuts, peas, rice and oatmeal. Since vitamin B5 is sensitive to heat and light, foods such as potatoes should be stored in a dark place. Vegetables such as broccoli should be cooked or gently steamed in water, as too much vitamin B5 is lost when the heat is too high.

6. food with a high vitamin B5 content

Pantothenic acid in mg per 100g

  • yeast 11,0
  • Calf's liver 8,0
  • Mackerel 7,7
  • Tuna 7,6
  • Peanuts 2,6
  • Porcini mushrooms 2,0
  • Gorgonzola 1,7
  • Watermelon 1,6
  • Parmesan cheese 1,1
  • avocado 1.1
  • Oat flakes 1,1
  • herring 0,8
  • Cauliflower 0,7

    7. who has an increased vitamin B5 requirement?

    There are different groups of people who need more vitamin B5 than usual. These include pregnant and breastfeeding women, for example, as they have to provide for their offspring. People who exercise a lot and are physically very active generally need more vitamins and nutrients. This naturally includes vitamin B5. Dialysis patients and diabetics have an increased need for vitamin B5. People with chronic intestinal diseases need considerably more vitamin B5.

    8 How can a vitamin B5 deficiency arise?

    Vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin for humans, which should be taken regularly. The body cannot produce vitamin B5 itself. A vitamin B5 deficiency can occur if you do not eat enough food containing vitamin B5. As a result, vitamin B5 is no longer sufficiently available to the human organism. A deficiency can also occur when people suffer from a congenital digestive disorder. In this case, the vitamin B5 cannot be utilised properly. Persons who are heavily dependent on alcohol are also more frequently affected.

    Symptoms of vitamin B5 deficiency:

    A vitamin B5 deficiency is manifested by many different symptoms. Those affected complain of headaches and extreme fatigue. Due to the lack of nutrients, the immune defence is limited and one is more susceptible to catching a cold and becoming ill more quickly. Since vitamin B5 is also essential for the hair, a pronounced deficiency can cause the scalp to itch. In addition, anemia and loss of appetite can occur.

    9 What causes can a vitamin B5 deficiency have?

    A vitamin B5 deficiency can have many different causes. Vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin for humans, which should be taken regularly. The body cannot produce vitamin B5 itself and can only store small amounts. A vitamin B5 deficiency can occur if you do not eat enough food containing vitamin B5. Through malnutrition or a long-term diet, the human organism is no longer sufficiently nourished with important nutrients. Some people have problems with the absorption of pantothenic acid, often caused by a congenital digestive disorder. Strong alcoholism can also cause a vitamin B5 deficiency. Foods containing vitamin B5 are not only sensitive to light but also to heat. In order not to lose the important nutrients, these foods should be steamed or lightly cooked. Chronic liver diseases can promote an insufficient supply of vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 helps detoxify the liver with coenzyme A. Without the important pantothenic acid, however, this no longer works and can therefore throw the fat metabolism off track.

    General risk factors of vitamin B5 deficiency:

    • an unbalanced, unbalanced diet.
    • an aggravated absorption (e.g. with gastro-intestinal diseases)
    • a poor storage capacity (can be caused by smoking or alcohol)
    • increased demand in certain life situations (such as pregnancy)

    Consequences of a vitamin B5 deficiency:

    A vitamin B5 deficiency can have a variety of consequences. Those affected complain of indigestion, stomach pain and cramps. These are often followed by a burning sensation and numbness in the legs. A vitamin B5 deficiency can result in a weakened immune system and anaemia. Many people complain of fatigue, sleep disorders and depression.

    10. what is the effect of a vitamin B5 surplus?

    A vitamin B5 overdose can in rare cases cause digestive disorders. However, an excess of vitamin B5 in food is very unlikely, as an excess is always excreted in urine. However, people who take high doses of vitamin B5 in the form of dietary supplements can have an excess of vitamin B5. This manifests itself as gastrointestinal complaints and digestive disorders. However, this only becomes apparent after weeks of increased intake of vitamin B5. The intake would have to be over a very long period of time with an amount of over 10000 milligrams of pantothenic acid daily.

    11 The correct intake of vitamin B5

    Those who would like to take vitamin B5 in the form of food supplements can choose between vitamin B5 capsules and vitamin B5 tablets. These should be taken with sufficient liquid (for example, water or juice). It makes no difference whether vitamin B5 is taken before or after a meal. However, if you have a sensitive stomach and cannot take vitamin B5 tablets or vitamin B5 capsules on an empty stomach, you should eat something first and then take the supplements.

    12. what should be considered when dosing vitamin B5?

    When taking vitamin B5 in the form of dietary supplements, it is important that the product was manufactured in Germany. When taking vitamin B5, you should ensure that you take the correct dosage. You should take the recommended amount. Because overdosing on vitamin B5 can also have serious consequences for the body.

    13 What is the function of vitamin B5 capsules?

    If you suffer from a vitamin B5 deficiency or if you find it difficult to eat a balanced diet, you can replenish your vitamin B5 storage with vitamin B5 in the form of dietary supplements. Vitamin B5 capsules are easy to handle and cover the daily vitamin B5 requirement with just one capsule per day. However, you should always make sure you eat a varied and healthy diet. This helps us to stay healthy and productive.

    14 Which is better: vitamin B5 capsules or vitamin B5 tablets?

    Vitamin B5 tablets, which are sold in bulk in pharmacies and drugstores, often contain cheap active ingredients and many chemical additives. A variety of fillers and pressing aids are often used to keep the tablet in shape. It is better to buy vitamin B5 capsules without additives, as the mostly vegetable capsule shells can hold the active ingredient together without artificial additives. Capsules are also generally the most common dosage form. They are easy to handle, are easy to swallow and can release their active ingredient in the stomach very quickly.

    15 How can the doctor diagnose a vitamin B5 deficiency?

    If you have symptoms that could indicate a vitamin B5 deficiency, it is best to see your doctor. A changed vitamin B5 level has a direct effect on health. Signs and early symptoms of a vitamin B5 deficiency include intestinal discomfort, fatigue, and nausea. Furthermore, sleep problems often occur. Those affected report an increased susceptibility to infections and strong palpitations. In order to find out whether you actually suffer from a vitamin B5 deficiency, you should explain your symptoms in detail to your doctor. The doctor can determine a vitamin B5 deficiency via the blood. The blood serum determines the vitamin B5 level. A long-lasting vitamin can result in a weakened immune system and anaemia. Many people complain of fatigue, sleep disorders and depression. However, a vitamin B5 deficiency can be easily remedied by taking vitamin B5 in the form of dietary supplements.

    16 How can I correct a vitamin B5 deficiency?

    To correct a vitamin B5 deficiency, you need to know the cause. If you have been on a diet low in vitamins, you can easily change this. Changing your diet with foods rich in vitamin B5 can be very useful. Vitamin B5 is contained in animal products as well as in vegetable foods. A poor storage capacity can be caused by smoking or alcohol. Those who suffer from this should minimize their consumption so that vitamin B5 can be better absorbed by the body again. Those who suffer from a severe vitamin B5 deficiency should consider taking vitamin B5 supplements (vitamin B5 capsules or vitamin B5 tablets). Taking vitamin B5 preparations regularly restores a healthy balance.

    17. vitamin B5 and acne

    Vitamin B5 is a real all-rounder. It has numerous important effects on the human body. It has particularly positive effects on the skin. Therefore it is very often used therapeutically. It is especially important for acne. Vitamin B5 the sebum production of the skin. It also regulates many hormones and fatty acids. Through this process the formation of pimples can not only decrease but also improve positively. Vitamin supports cell reproduction and greatly promotes wound healing. Besides taking vitamin B5 preparations, an ointment containing vitamin B5 can also be prescribed. This is easily applied to the skin. Other problems such as abrasions, skin injuries and burns can also be treated with a pantothenic acid ointment.

    18 The combination between vitamin B5 and vitamin B12

    The B vitamins are particularly important for the human organism. They are responsible for many numerous metabolic functions. They complement each other to keep many vital processes running. The combination of vitamin B5 and vitamin B12 in particular can be very useful here. Both vitamins ensure normal energy metabolism. They also ensure a reduction of fatigue. Pantothenic acid also ensures that mental performance functions optimally.

    19 How is the vitamin B5 value determined?

    The vitamin B5 value is determined by the family doctor. The most common method of determining the value is by HPLC. The amount of the substance is determined in the blood - more precisely by serum or EDTA plasma. It is very easy to distinguish between the limits of the standard values, a deficiency and an excess of vitamin B5. In the case of a recognised vitamin B5 deficiency, it is often recommended to take vitamin B5 in the form of food supplements. In this way, a deficiency can be remedied quickly. Read more about how you can improve your circulation here.

      20. conclusion

      Vitamin B5 is an essential vitamin. In medicine it is called pantothenic acid. Since the body cannot produce the vitamin itself, it must be taken in daily with food. Vitamin B5 is water-soluble and sensitive to light and heat. To prevent the vitamin from being lost in food, food should not be cooked too hot. It is better to steam the food or cook it lightly. Vitamin B5 is found in both animal and vegetable foods. According to the German Society for Nutrition, an adult person should consume about 6 milligrams of vitamin B5 daily. Pregnant and breastfeeding women have an increased need for vitamin B5. The vitamin is particularly important for energy metabolism and the synthesis of neurotransmitters. Niacin is also particularly important for energy metabolism. You can find out more here. It is also particularly important for wound healing and the skin. For this reason, patients with acne complaints are often prescribed ointments with pantothenic acid.

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