Team Vitamineule
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1. overview of all vitamins from A-Z
Vitamins are strictly speaking organic molecules. The human organism needs vitamins to maintain vital functions. This includes, for example, the maintenance of a healthy immune system.
2. vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin. The human organism can produce vitamin D3 itself, unlike other vitamins. The body produces vitamin D3 as soon as the skin is exposed to the sun, so sunlight is necessary. Nowadays, more and more people suffer from a vitamin D3 deficiency because many people no longer regularly go outdoors, for example because of work. Vitamin D3 is particularly important for strengthening the human immune system and promoting bone growth. You can read more about vitamin D3 here:
3. biotin
Biotin is also called vitamin B7 in medicine. The vitamin is essential for the human organism. The human body needs biotin for healthy skin, strong hair and stable nails. The vitamin also participates in fat and protein metabolism. Vitamin B7 is one of the vitamins which is water-soluble. Excess amounts of biotin are thus excreted through the urine. Thus the body cannot store biotin and cannot build up biotin reserves in the long term. This means that it is best to integrate sources of biotin into the diet on a daily basis to ensure that the body is sufficiently supplied. You can find out more about biotin here:
4. vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is also known as menaquinone. Vitamin K2 is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K2 is produced by the body's own intestinal bacteria. Vitamin K2 has a haemostatic effect and is responsible for human blood clotting. This improves the healing of wounds in the human organism. In the human organism, proteins are combined with calcium, so vitamin K2 is also indirectly responsible for calcium metabolism. It helps to ensure that the calcium is transported into the bones and not into the vascular walls of the arteries. You can find out more about vitamin K2 here:
5th multivitamin
Multivitamin capsules are among the most popular dietary supplements. They are a mixture of different vitamins.
Our Vitamin Owl® Multivitamin Capsules contain
- vitamin A
- vitamin B1
- vitamin B2
- vitamin B5
- vitamin B6
- vitamin B12
- vitamin C
- vitamin D3
- vitamin E
- vitamin K1
- vitamin K2
- Niacin
- Folic acid
- Biotin
6. vitamin A
Vitamin is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. If you look at vitamin A more closely, it is a group of compounds. These compounds are retinal, retinol and retinoic acid.
The vitamin is absorbed through the small intestine. Vitamin A is then stored in the liver. The absorption of vitamin A has a special effect on the human visual process. The function of vitamin A also has an important impact on many other areas of the human body.
According to the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), women should take in approx. 0.8 mg (2.6 i.U.) and men 1.0 mg (3.3 i.U.) of vitamin A per day. For children the value is approx. 0.6 mg (2 i.U.). However, in some life situations (such as pregnancy), certain diseases or operations, the daily intake may be increased. You can find out more about vitamin A here:
7th vitamin B complex
The B vitamins are essential for all phases of energy production in human metabolism. For each individual cell in the body to function, it must be sufficiently supplied with the B vitamins. Vitamin B complex has a positive effect on mood, concentration, focus and supports the nerves. In general, one should always make sure that the human organism is sufficiently supplied with high-quality vitamin B complex. You can find out more about vitamin B complex here:
8th vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins and is also called ascorbic acid. The vitamin can be stored in the human organism in only small amounts. For this reason, vitamin C should be supplied daily through food. A high amount of the vitamin is contained in fruit and vegetables. Probably the best known task that vitamin C performs daily in our body is to strengthen the immune system and maintain the body's defences. The vitamin also helps to protect the cells in our body from oxidative stress (free radicals). It is important to maintain a normal function of the nervous system and to increase the absorption of iron. Vitamin C ensures the build-up of collagen (connective tissue) and optimal wound healing. Ascorbic acid promotes the absorption and utilization of iron from plant foods. You can find out more about vitamin C here:
9th vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 consists of three different compounds: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. All three compounds occur in nature and are able to transform into the other form during metabolism.
The vitamin is involved in many metabolic processes, the conversion of proteins and the development of nerve connections. Vitamin B6 influences certain hormone activities and fat metabolism. It contributes to the formation of neurotransmitters in the nervous system and ensures that the immune system functions properly. You can find out more about vitamin B6 here:
10th niacin
Niacin is found in all tissues of the human organism and is essential for the body. Niacin participates in the reactions in all body cells such as cell division and energy metabolism. In addition, it helps to build up and break down carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids. Processes such as signal transmission in the cell are dependent on niacin. Niacin helps the body, muscles and the renewal of skin and nerves to recover. Especially the muscle tissue, the nervous and digestive system and the repair of the nervous system are dependent on niacin. For this purpose it supports the formation of messenger substances in the brain, which transport information between the nerve cells. Niacin is also involved in the regulation of blood sugar. You can find out more about niacin here:
11. vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 fulfils a wide range of tasks in the human body. For example, the red vitamin ensures that the nerves are strengthened and concentration can be maintained for longer. The body needs a large amount of vitamin B12, especially during a strenuous working day. If necessary, vitamin B12 ensures that the red blood cells are formed correctly and introduces folic acid into the red blood cells. As the red blood cells transport the vital oxygen to the organs and muscles, the right supply of vitamin B12 is essential for a healthy body. You can find out more about vitamin B12 here:
12th conclusion: Overview of all vitamins from A-Z
Vitamins are essential to the human organism. For this reason, one should try to take vitamins on a daily basis. This is best achieved by a balanced and varied diet. If you would like to take vitamins as a food supplement, you can choose between capsules and tablets. Both capsules and tablets are easy to handle and get into circulation quickly.
In general, it should always be ensured that the product was produced in Germany in order to guarantee a consistently high product quality. If you buy a preparation from Germany, you can be sure that the product has also been produced safely and is of high quality.
Further sources:
- vitamine--vitamin. The Early Years of Discovery
- Vitamin and Mineral Supplement Use in Medically Complex, Community-Living, Older Adults
- "Vitamin S" (Steroids) and Vitamin C for the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock!
- Crosstalk Between Vitamins A, B12, D, K, C, and E Status and Arterial Stiffness