Health Blog

Ist Biotin gut gegen Haarausfall?

Is biotin good for hair loss?

A lack of biotin can cause a wide variety of side effects. The most well-known consequence is hair loss. The water-soluble vitamin is responsible for a wide variety of areas...

Is biotin good for hair loss?

A lack of biotin can cause a wide variety of side effects. The most well-known consequence is hair loss. The water-soluble vitamin is responsible for a wide variety of areas...

Lebensmittel mit Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Food with vitamin B7 (biotin)

There are numerous natural sources of biotin that can be incorporated into the daily diet. Vitamin B7 is present in both animal and vegetable foods. A healthy and balanced diet...

Food with vitamin B7 (biotin)

There are numerous natural sources of biotin that can be incorporated into the daily diet. Vitamin B7 is present in both animal and vegetable foods. A healthy and balanced diet...

Wann wirkt Biotin bei Haarausfall?

When does biotin work for hair loss?

In case of hair loss, it is best to take biotin in the form of dietary supplements to stimulate hair growth and to obtain a positive effect on the hair....

When does biotin work for hair loss?

In case of hair loss, it is best to take biotin in the form of dietary supplements to stimulate hair growth and to obtain a positive effect on the hair....

Vitamine, Mineralstoffe und Spurenelemente: Tagesbedarf

Vitamins, minerals and trace elements: daily re...

The daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements varies greatly. On the one hand, it is particularly important to consider factors such as gender, size and age. On the...

Vitamins, minerals and trace elements: daily re...

The daily requirement of vitamins, minerals and trace elements varies greatly. On the one hand, it is particularly important to consider factors such as gender, size and age. On the...

Wie lange muss man Biotin einnehmen, bis es wirkt?

How long must biotin be taken before it takes e...

Biotin is known as a beauty vitamin, because it has a particularly essential effect on hair growth and nail growth. Besides taking biotin-rich foods, many people supplement biotin in the...

How long must biotin be taken before it takes e...

Biotin is known as a beauty vitamin, because it has a particularly essential effect on hair growth and nail growth. Besides taking biotin-rich foods, many people supplement biotin in the...

Sind hochdosierte Vitamine gesund für den Körper?

Are high-dose vitamins healthy for the body?

The human organism needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in order to survive. This is best achieved through a balanced and varied diet. However, those who cannot manage...

Are high-dose vitamins healthy for the body?

The human organism needs a wide variety of vitamins and minerals in order to survive. This is best achieved through a balanced and varied diet. However, those who cannot manage...


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