Possible side effects of vitamin B6

Mögliche Nebenwirkungen von Vitamin B6

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1 Possible side effects of vitamin B6

The majority of people tolerate vitamin B6 without any problems. The water-soluble vitamin is generally considered to be very well tolerated and safe. Even when taken in excess of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B6, no side effects of biotin are known. Possible side effects of vitamin B6 are nausea in very rare cases when taking it for the first time.

As vitamin B6 is one of the water-soluble vitamins, any excess is extracted by the human body via the excretory organs. For this reason, there is no need to worry about possible side effects of vitamin B6.

The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends a daily intake of the vitamin of 1.4 mg for women and 1.6 mg for men. Dosage and daily requirement can vary in certain life situations, such as pregnancy or breastfeeding. Height, weight and gender play an important role in the calculation of requirements. The daily protein turnover and the person's medical history (e.g. a chronic underlying disease) are also of great importance.

    2 What is vitamin B6?

    Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin, also known in medicine as pyridoxine. It is a water-soluble vitamin. It is not only water-soluble, but also sensitive to light and heat. For this reason, foods that contain a lot of vitamin B6 should be prepared with care. If you look closely at the vitamin, you will see that it consists of three different compounds. These are pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. The vitamin participates in central metabolic processes in the human organism and supports the immune system. Vitamin B6 is responsible for the protection of nerve connections and ensures that proteins are properly converted. Since the body cannot produce vitamin B6 itself, it must be taken in daily through a healthy and varied diet.

    3 Which foods contain vitamin B6?

    Dairy products and eggs

    egg 0,08

    Low-fat curd 0,1


    artichoke 0,1

    parsley 0,1

    broccoli 0,28

    Meat and fish:

    chicken breast 0,37

    Beef and veal 0,18

    salmon 0,6


    peanuts 0,4

    Almonds 0,2


    White beans 0,14

    kidney beans 0,1

    Cereal products:

    wholemeal bread 0,2

    Oat flakes 0,2

    4. vitamin B6 as a food supplement

    Vitamin B6 should normally be absorbed by the body on a daily basis. The best way to do this is naturally through a healthy and balanced diet. However, many people find it very difficult to cover their entire vitamin requirements. In this case, vitamin B6 should be taken in addition in order to avoid a vitamin B6 deficiency.

    Vitamin B6 is available in the form of dietary supplements in stores. It is available in the form of vitamin B6 capsules and vitamin B6 tablets. Both forms are easy to handle and quickly enter the circulation. However, vitamin B6 tablets are sold in pharmacies, which in many cases have been manufactured with artificial additives or abroad. Vitamin B6 capsules often contain only the active ingredient in a vegetable cellulose shell and can therefore be produced without fillers. Vitamin B6 capsules or vitamin B6 tablets should be taken with sufficient liquid (for example water or juice). It does not matter whether vitamin B6 is taken before or after a meal. However, if you have a sensitive stomach and cannot take vitamin B6 tablets or vitamin B6 capsules on an empty stomach, you should eat something first and then take the supplements.

    In general, you should always make sure that the product was produced in Germany in order to guarantee a consistently high quality of the preparation. If you buy a preparation from Germany, you can be sure that the product was also produced safely and is of high quality.

    Vitamin B6 Kapseln von Vitamineule

    Our recommendation:
    Vitamineule® Vitamin B6 Capsules

    In our online shop you will find our vitamin B6 capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives. Vitamin Owl® Vitamin B6 capsules contain a total of 25mg of pure pyridoxine HCL per capsule. Each can contains 90 capsules. In addition to fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.

    5. conclusion: possible side effects of vitamin B6

    Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin. It is water-soluble and in most cases well tolerated. Possible side effects of vitamin B6 are, in very rare cases, nausea on first intake. Since the vitamin cannot be produced by the body itself, it should be taken in daily through a healthy and balanced diet. The vitamin is found in both animal and vegetable foods. Those who suffer from a vitamin B6 deficiency or would like to supplement vitamin B6 in the form of food supplements can choose between vitamin B6 capsules and vitamin B6 tablets.

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