L-Carnitine - effect, dosage and intake

L-Carnitin - Wirkung, Dosierung & Einnahme

Team Vitamineule

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1. What is L-carnitine?

L-Carnitine is an amino acid compound. It is synthesized from the amino acids methionine and lysine in the liver and performs essential functions in human metabolism. It acts as a receptor molecule for various fatty acids and thus contributes to effective nutrient supply and energy production. L-carnitine capsules are a very popular food supplement, especially for diets and high levels of physical activity such as endurance or weight training. L-carnitine is involved in numerous metabolic processes. People who do a lot of sport are therefore dependent on a higher amount of L-carnitine.

2 What does L-carnitine do?

L-carnitine is essential for fat burning in the human organism, as it ensures a very fast transport of fatty acids. In addition to the transport, L-carnitine is also attributed with a muscle growth-promoting property. As a result of an increased L-carnitine supply due to the increased fat metabolism, the build-up of muscles can be accelerated and fat cells reduced. Nowadays L-carnitine is often used as a fat burner.

3. food with high L-carnitine content

To produce energy, the human organism needs substances such as L-carnitine, which is formed in the liver from the two essential amino acids methionine and lysine. Without L-carnitine, fats could not be burned. L-carnitine is particularly important for strength athletes who do a lot of sport, as they need a higher fat metabolism. The human body can produce about 300 mg L-carnitine itself. However, the human organism is dependent on an external supply of L-carnitine in food for an optimal supply. L-carnitine can be found in various foods, especially red meat contains a lot of L-carnitine. Vegetarians and vegans find it much more difficult to get hold of L-carnitine, so supplementing the amino acid in the form of L-carnitine capsules or L-carnitine tablets can be useful.

TOP 10 foods with a high L-carnitine content: (per 100 g)

1. leg of lamb approximately 190 mg

2. beef rump steak approx. 140 mg

3. veal cutlet approx. 100 mg

4. bratwurst about 40 mg

5. duck breast approx. 30 mg

6. turkey approx. 13 mg

7. saithe fillet approximately 13 mg

8. curd approx. 3 mg

9. trout approximately 2 mg

10. cream cheese approximately 1,5 mg

4 What functions do L-Carnitine capsules fulfil?

L-carnitine capsules are used as fat burners in bodybuilding and weight training and have also been very popular in other areas for several years. The substance acts as a transport molecule for fatty acids, plays an important role in fat burning and also has a detoxifying effect in some metabolic processes. A possible excess of L-carnitine is simply excreted by the body.

5. l-carnitine capsules or l-carnitine tablets?

Many athletes take L-carnitine in the form of food supplements during training. L-carnitine can help you to effectively support fat burning. Besides, L-carnitine can positively counteract fatigue and stress. L-carnitine is available in the form of capsules, tablets, drinking ampoules, bars or as powder. L-carnitine powder can be used in many ways. It can be used in smoothies, juices or protein shakes. L-carnitine tablets are often sold in local pharmacies, drugstores, fitness studios and supermarkets. However, in many cases these are produced with artificial additives or manufactured abroad. L-carnitine capsules, on the other hand, in many cases contain the active ingredient in a plant-based cellulose shell and can be produced without fillers. It is also important that the L-carnitine preparation is produced in Germany in order to ensure a consistently high quality.

L-Carnitin Kapseln von Vitamineule ohne Zusatzstoffe

Our recommendation:
Vitamineule® L-Carnitine Capsules

In our online shop you will find our L-Carnitine capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives. Our Vitamineule ® L-Carnitni capsules contain a total of 500 mg of pure L-Carnitine per capsule. Each can contains 90 capsules. In addition to fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.

6. conclusion

L-carnitine is an essential amino acid compound that is synthesized from the amino acids methionine and lysine in the liver. It is a very popular dietary supplement for people who do a lot of sports, as it helps to burn fat effectively. The human body can produce L-carnitine itself, but it still has to be taken in through food. Larger amounts of the amino acid compound are found mainly in animal foods such as red meat. Since these products are not available for vegetarians and vegans, L-carnitine is often taken in the form of food supplements. These are available in different variants. In addition to the variant in powder form, there are L-carnitine capsules and L-carnitine tablets.

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