How does high-dose curcuma affect the human body?

Wie wirkt hochdosiertes Curcuma auf den menschlichen Körper?

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1 How does high-dose curcuma affect the human body?

Taking curcuma has many positive effects on the body. Curcuma has a digestive effect and ensures that dietary fats can be utilised much better. Unpleasant flatulence can be avoided in the future by taking turmeric. Curcuma boosts the metabolism and can therefore be very helpful in losing weight. Curcuma has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects and inhibits bone resorption. Many people nowadays complain about permanent oxidative stress. They often suffer from persistent complaints, are often tired and exhausted. Curcuma can be used very effectively in these cases. The active ingredient curcumin protects the brain of the human body from the effects of oxidative stress and can even have a healing effect on existing pain. For these reasons, curcuma is also used in diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

    2 What is curcuma?

    Curcuma is a tropical plant. It is also known as turmeric because of its colour. Although it does not taste as strong as ginger, the curcuma plant belongs to the group of ginger plants. The plant loves the warm climate and originally comes from South East Asia. There it has been known as a spice for a very long time. The root of the plant is ground. This produces a fine orange-yellow powder which can be mixed into a wide variety of dishes.

    3 What is curcumin?

    Curcumin is a natural dye which is contained in the plant Curcuma. The dye is orange-yellow. However, this active ingredient is only contained in very small amounts. Only about 5% of the curcuma plant is the actual curcumin. Curcumin is very often used as a food colouring. For example, in curry powder, yellow sauces, margarine, mustard and various pasta products. Due to its solubility in water, a large part of the curcumin is excreted by the human organism, as curcumin is difficult to excrete in the intestine.

    4. fields of application of curcuma

    • Alleviation of joint complaints
    • Natural regulation of the blood sugar level
    • Prevention of arteriosclerosis
    • Promotion of the body's own detoxification processes
    • anti-inflammatory action
    • Activation of dietary fats
    • Stimulation of enzyme production in the pancreas
    • cholesterol reduction
    • Protection of cells from free radicals
    Curcuma Kapseln von Vitamineule

    Our recommendation:
    Vitamineule® Curcuma Capsules

    In our online shop you will find our Curcuma capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives. Vitamineule® Curcuma capsules contain 500 mg of pure curcuma per capsule. Each can contains 90 capsules. In addition to fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.

    5 How does high-dose curcuma affect the human body?

    High-dose curcuma has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on the body and can inhibit bone resorption. Curcuma supports the immune system and can stimulate the metabolism. For this reason curcuma helps to reduce weight. Those who would like to take curcuma can supplement curucma in the form of dietary supplements. Curcuma capsules and curcuma tablets are available.

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