The effect of Beta Alanine

Die Wirkung von Beta Alanin

Team Vitamineule

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1. what is Beta Alanine?

Beta alanine is an important amino acid. It is the main component of carnosine. Carnosine consists of the two amino acids alanine and histadine. The availability of carnosine in the muscles of the human organism can only function if there is a sufficient supply of Beta Alanine. Beta Alanine is a very popular supplement in sports nutrition. In order to maintain maximum strength, beta alanine is often taken in combination with creatine.

2. the mode of action of Beta Alanine

Every movement in the human organism needs energy. The most important source of energy in the body is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). It takes care of the metabolic processes and releases energy in combination with water. In this way the muscles get enough energy to work. In order to continue to have enough strength, the human organism is dependent on carbohydrates and fats. During long-lasting movements, which are very strenuous and stressful for the body, the ATP is no longer sufficient. It is used up very quickly, so the body has to access other stores. These include carbohydrates and fats, which must be regularly supplied by the human body. Beta alanine is an effective food supplement. It is often taken by athletes before training to optimize the availability of carnosine in the muscles. By taking Beta Alanine the muscle endurance can be increased. It is especially suitable for people who do strength or endurance training.

The effect of Beta Alanine in brief:

  • Increase in muscle strength
  • performance improvement
  • Enabling longer and harder training
  • Delaying the fatigue of the muscles
  • Increase of endurance

3. beta alanine and brain function

Amino acids form the body's own proteins. These are also known as proteins. They are very important for the human organism and play an important role in the fitness scene. Amino acids are important for muscle building, metabolism and brain function. Beta Alanine is an important amino acid and a component of carnosine. Together are important for the nervous system.

As part of the central nervous system (CNS), the brain ensures normal functioning of the body and mind. This includes, for example, heart rate, breathing, sexual function, but of course also basic things like eating, drinking and sleeping.

4. beta alanine can be taken in the following ways

Beta alanine is available in various forms to buy in stores. There are three different dosage forms. Firstly, beta alanine is available in the form of capsules, tablets and powder. The choice of dosage form is not important for the effect, but there are different benefits for each intake. The powder form is very useful for people who have difficulty swallowing capsules or tablets. The powder can be easily mixed with water or juice, like a normal protein shake. The powder can be precisely dosed using a dosage spoon. Good storage of the powder is very important. Beta Alanine is hygroscopic, which means that it binds water from the air. This can lead to lumps if the powder is not properly closed. Capsules and tablets are very easy to handle, you can take them with you wherever you go. Through the capsule shell you do not taste the powder and the beta alanine gets quickly into the human organism.

5. the combination between creatine and beta alanine

Many athletes are looking for a helpful all-rounder for their training. This should not only support muscle growth, but also increase the maximum power output. To achieve this, beta alanine is often supplemented in combination with creatine. To understand this, one should consider the two components separately.

Creatine has been a popular substance in strength as well as endurance sports for many years, because creatine increases the physical performance of high-speed training during short-term intensive exercise and has many positive effects on the human body. Supplementing with creatine not only gives you more energy and stamina, but can also help you to break your personal best performance.

The effectiveness differs from creatine in that beta alanine is an essential building block of carnosine. Carnosine acts like a buffer in the muscles. The higher the concentration of carnosine, the better this buffer works.

Beta alanine and creatine in combination ensure an increased muscle build-up and a high increase in strength through more effective training. The increase in strength is achieved by creatine, the prolonged muscle endurance by beta alanine, because the acidification of the muscle can be delayed. After a short period of time, the muscle load and the improved endurance quickly lead to significant results.

6. beta alanine in food

Beta Alanine is contained in many animal products. As a dipteptide (a chemical compound composed of two amino acid residues) it occurs naturally in carnosine, for example. It is a beta-amino acid that the human organism produces itself. The more macronutrients are absorbed by the body, the higher the amount of amino acids in the organism. Animal foods are natural sources of beta alanine. These have a high skeletal muscle content and can store a lot of carnosine. Besides poultry, pork and beef, fish also contains a lot of carnosine. Especially trout, herring, perch and haddock are rich in carnosine. Because carnosine is found in muscle meat, vegetarians and vegans have a harder time and often suffer from a carnosine deficiency. However, beta alanine in the form of dietary supplements can easily correct the carnosine deficiency.

Beta-Alanin Kapseln von Vitamineule

Our recommendation:
Vitamineule® Beta-Alanine Capsules

In our online shop you will find our Beta-Alanine capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives. Vitamin Owl® Beta-Alanine contain 500mg of pure Beta-Alanine per capsule. Each can contains 90 capsules. Besides fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.

7. what are the functions of Beta Alanine capsules?

Taking Beta Alanine Capsules leads to an increase of the dipeptide L-carnosine in the body, especially in the muscle and nerve tissue of the human organism. The oral intake of carnosine does not make sense, since it is broken down in the digestive system and blood to beta alanine and L-histidine. Carnosine is more concentrated in fast-contracting muscle fibres (muscle fibre type 2) and prevents acidosis during a rather short, high-intensity physical performance in sport. It improves the contractility of the muscles at the end of an intensive set, where the muscle would normally fail earlier.

8. when is it worth taking beta alanine preparations?

Taking Beta Alanine is worthwhile especially for strength athletes, powerlifters and bodybuilders. With the intake of Beta Alanine it is easier to build up muscles and improve the training duration. People who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet can take Beta Alanine in the form of dietary supplements to correct a carnosine deficiency. This occurs in most cases in people who are on a meatless diet, as carnosine is mostly found in animal products.

9. the correct intake of Beta Alanine

Anyone who would like to take beta alanine in the form of dietary supplements can decide whether to take beta alanine in the form of capsules, tablets or powder. Beta-alanine develops its effect shortly after ingestion, therefore it is recommended to take the amino acid before training. Beta-alanine has the best effect during a short, intensive athletic performance in the range of 60-240 seconds. However, the intake of beta-alanine is always dependent on the own training level. Depending on whether you are a beginner, advanced or professional, the dosage is of course different. In order for Beta Alanine to achieve its full effect in a relatively short time window, you should follow the optimized dosage recommendation. The ideal daily amount is 3-5 grams of Beta Alanine. However, this depends on gender, height and weight.

10. what should be taken into account with the dosage of beta alanine?

When taking Beta Alanine in the form of food supplements, it is important that the product was manufactured in Germany. When taking Beta Alanine you should pay attention to the correct dosage. You should follow the recommended amount (daily dose). Because even an overdose of Beta Alanine can have serious consequences for the body. Beta Alanine in the form of Beta Alanine capsules or Beta Alanine tablets should be taken with sufficient liquid (for example water or juice). The intake should be done before the training session. Thus the Beta Alanine can quickly enter the bloodstream.

11. which is better: Beta Alanine capsules, Beta Alanine tablets or Beta Alanine powder?

Often people ask themselves whether capsules or tablets are the better alternative. Beta Alanine tablets, which are sold in bulk in pharmacies and drugstores, often contain cheap active ingredients and many chemical additives. A variety of fillers and pressing aids are often used to keep the tablet in shape. In general, one should buy Beta Alanine capsules without additives, as these can usually hold the active ingredient together in the vegetable capsule shell without artificial additives. Capsules are generally also the most common dosage form. They are easy to handle and to swallow. This means that they can release their active ingredient in the stomach very quickly. The powder is suitable for athletes who would like to take their beta alanine in liquid form before training. The powder form in general is very useful for people who have difficulty swallowing capsules or tablets. The powder can be easily mixed with water or juice, like a normal protein shake.

12. Are side effects possible when taking Beta Alanine?

Those who take Beta Alanine capsules are very likely to feel a tingling sensation under the skin shortly after taking it. This effect is due to increased blood circulation as a result of a high single dose of Beta Alanine. There are no negative effects from the tingling sensation. If the tingling sensation bothers you, you can also take several Beta Alanine capsules spread over the day, as the effect of the tingling will then decrease.

13. beta-alanine in combination with sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate, like carnosine, serves the human organism against acidity in the muscles. If it is taken shortly before training, it has a performance-enhancing effect, which can be further increased by an additional intake of beta-alanine.

14 Why can carnosine not be taken in isolation?

Beta-alanine is the precursor of carnosine. Carnosine counteracts an overacidification of the muscles through physical performance and improves the contractility of the muscle. Therefore the question arises why carnosine cannot be taken in isolation:

When carnosine is taken, it breaks down into beta-alanine and histidine. The substances are then transported to the muscle, where they are converted back into carnosine. Carnosine consists of about 40% beta-alanine, which is why its effectiveness is less than when the amino acid is taken in isolation.

15. conclusion

Beta Alanine is an amino acid that binds to the amino acid histidine in the body. From these two amino acids the formation of carnosine is possible. Carnosine prevents the reduction of muscles. This would otherwise lead to an overacidification of the muscle. Taking beta alanine in the form of food supplements gives you more endurance and energy and. It is practically essential for maintaining the performance of the muscles. Beta Alanine is available in three different types of retail stores. There is beta alanine in the form of capsules, tablets and powder. Beta alanine is contained in many animal products. Beef, pork, poultry and fish are particularly rich in the amino acid. For this reason many vegetarians and vegans suffer from a carnosine deficiency. However, a carnosine deficiency can be quickly remedied by taking beta alanine in the form of food supplements.

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