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Creatine is an endogenous substance which, together with phosphate, contributes to the energy supply of the muscles. It is needed to control muscle contractions as well as for nerve and brain function. The starting materials for creatine are the amino acids arginine, glycine and methionine. In this blog you will learn how creatine can increase your performance in explosive strength training and what positive effects creatine has on sports and performance.
Table of contents
1. The positive effect of creatine in the body
2. development of a creatine deficiency
3. symptoms & effects of creatine deficiency
4. the correct dosage of creatine
5. how can I cover my creatine requirements with food?
6. how can I correctly determine a creatine deficiency?
7. what should I consider when buying dietary supplements?
8. what improves creatine intake?
The positive effect of creatine in the body
Creatine has been a popular substance in strength and endurance sports for many years, as creatine increases physical performance during strength training during short-term intensive physical activity and has many positive effects on the human organism.
Creatine additionally promotes muscle building and increases not only muscle strength but also muscle endurance. Due to this effect you can train with higher weights and intensify your training in the long run. The amino acid provides for an increase in short-term endurance and a faster muscle regeneration. Creatine transports the energy-rich phosphate into the muscle cells and provides energy in the heart muscle. The creatine ingested through food is stored in the skeletal muscles and synthesized to creatine phosphate by the enzyme creatine kinase.
Fields of application of creatine
Muscle building
The best known area of application for creatine is sport. After ATP, creatine is used as a second source of energy after ATP for the exercise of strength by the body and thus has a demonstrably positive effect on performance and muscle build-up. The amino acid provides for an increase in short-term endurance and faster muscle regeneration.
Heart problems
One of the most important tasks of creatine is also to supply energy to the heart muscle, which is why creatine is also used in diseases such as heart attack or heart failure.
Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine monohydrate is a non-protein-forming amino acid that plays an essential role in the energy supply process in the muscles. It is converted into ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in the muscle. ATP is the energy source of the muscle, without which it would not be possible to perform movements. The energy briefly available to the muscle can be increased by sufficiently filled creatine stores.
Development of a creatine deficiency
Creatine deficiency is rare because the body is able to produce creatine itself and creatine is absorbed with food. However, people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet are more likely to suffer from a creatine deficiency. Vegetable foods contain only small amounts of the amino acid. Especially vegetarians and vegans, who do a lot of sports, convert much more creatine and have to compensate for this through their diet or self-synthesis.
There is also a rare disease, called creatine deficiency syndrome, in which creatine synthesis in the body is disturbed and thus prevents creatine from being incorporated into the cells.
Symptoms & effects of a creatine deficiency
- Tiredness
- Lassitude
- Muscle loss
- Muscle aches
- Performance drop
- Diarrhoea
- Bad breath
- Strained muscles
The right dosage of creatine
The German Society for Nutrition does not yet provide concrete recommendations for creatine intake. In general, however, it can be said that the daily creatine requirement for an adult is about 3-7 grams, depending on muscle mass. As the human organism can produce creatine itself, about 1-2 grams of the daily requirement are covered by the body's own creatine production, the rest has to be covered by food.

How can I cover my creatine requirements through food?
Creatine is found in higher quantities, especially in meat and fish. Dairy products also contain a significant amount of creatine, while fruit and vegetables contain small amounts of creatine. Creatine is sensitive to temperature, so when meat is roasted, a larger amount of creatine is lost.
Effective sources of creatine are: (data per kg)
- Herring approx. 7-10 grams
- Pork meat approx. 5 grams
- Beef approx. 5 grams
- Salmon approx. 5 grams
- Tuna approx. 4 gram
- Cod approx. 3 grams
How can I correctly determine a creatine deficiency?
If you have any signs of a creatine deficiency, it is best to go to your doctor and have yourself examined. It is best to tell your doctor about your symptoms, and he or she will be able to help you based on your medical history. The creatine content of blood and urine can tell you about your health and especially your organs. If a deficiency or increased need is detected, the doctor can then recommend further treatment options. In general, the patient is advised to increase the creatine content of his or her diet. In addition, dietary supplements containing creatine can be taken.
Vitamineule® Creatine Monohydrate Capsules
In our online shop you will find our creatine monohydrate capsules from Vitamineule®, which are completely free of artificial additives.
In the creatine monohydrate capsules are a total of 450mg of pure creatine monohydrate per capsule. Each can
contains 90 capsules. In addition to fast & free shipping, we offer a voluntary six-month return guarantee for all products.
What improves creatine absorption?
Carbohydrates promote absorption by raising insulin levels and accelerating absorption in the muscles. In addition, BCAA, taurine and glutamine increase the usability of creatine, as they also have a positive effect on muscle building.
What worsens the absorption of creatine?
Caffeine can worsen creatine absorption, so coffee, black tea, cola and energy drinks should be avoided. The same applies to alcohol, of course.
Creatine is an endogenous substance and essential for the human organism. It is needed to control muscle contractions as well as nerve and brain function. A creatine deficiency can occur if you do not include enough meat or fish in your diet and can lead to muscle loss and muscle pain. By examining blood and urine, the creatine content can easily be determined and, if a creatine deficiency is detected, further treatment methods can be recommended. When buying creatine capsules or creatine powder you should pay attention to the ingredients, because often only a small amount is available and the rest is filled with additives. When taking creatine, note that caffeine worsens absorption and carbohydrates improve absorption.